Welcome to my project Liri app that i created using node.js
What is Liri?! Liri is an app similar to Siri but instead of voice comands it takes user input! Liri can search for your favourite movie, favourite artists and their concerts and dates. Also can give you spotify link of some of the songs you want and name of the song!
You have all of this stuff under one program! You now can see where and when your favourite band is playing next and also see the IMDB rating of your favourite movie or maybe find some songs from your artist!
It can save you time and effort to search individually for these things and gives you convinence!
I Organized the app by 4 main problem to solve!
At the begging i installed all of the modules i needed for the app and created input for typing it that we gonna use for later on! I created a separate variable for the input that the user is gonna type in order what to find!
After the first part i started creating 4 different functions for each problem i needed to solve! Every function is gonna be called upon command!
First function is gonna be callled when the user gonna type : concert-this What this function is doing is that goes through BandsInTown Api and it gives us results from the object! It gives us Name of the Venue, Location and Date which i used moment to format it!
At the end i created switch that takes the variable i created for userinput and make 4 cases that gets triggered upon typing them and calling each individual function inside!
What this is doing is upon typing the command concert-this you can type the name of the artists or band and it will give you useful information what you need about your band or artists!
What this is doing is gives you information about the song you typed in!
What this is doing is gives us information about the movie you searched! You can find info like:
What this is doing is takes the text from external file in this scenario my random.txt file and outputs them as a string and puts them into array! With this we can see that we can access text from external file and use that to call function to gives us some info!
Also i tried for spotify-this-song and it’s working!! I just needed to create separte function that gets a parameter and it’s been called within the function i need!