Welcome to my portfolio Page

Software engineer that is currently enrolled in UC Berkely Coding Camp full stack
My Projects Skills Contact me

My projects that i worked on:

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Trek app

First group project that i worked on! We created and travel app that upon search it gives us directions, stuff to do and pictures of that city!

My Deployed Version Github Repo
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Liri app

App created using node that works like siri! Upon loading the app asks you if you want to search for band(concert),movie,spotify!!!

My Deployed Version Github Repo

Amazon db

First app created using mysql! Creating and populating database! Using CRUD with node you can add new row or update the database!

My Deployed Version Github Repo
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Friend Finder

First app that i use Heroku to deploy it! 10 questions and answers are stored into database and comparing the results and gives back the closest one!!

My Deployed Version Github Repo
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App that ask us to insert a burger we want and stores into the database then we use handlebars to create buttons to devoured upon what we have into our database!

My Deployed Version Github Repo
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Hospital administration app

We created this app for doctors to be able to look to the patients in their database and also adding new patiens, editing their record! We implemented back end and front end! UserName: admin , password: guest

My Deployed Version Github Repo

Yahoo news scraper

First app created using mongoose! Scraping with cheerio and axios and populating in on the site using the mongoose CRUD Commands

My Deployed Version Github Repo



Name: Darko Jovevski

Email: platzmanfan9@gmail.com

by Darko Jovevski, 19/08/1994

Phone number: 831-316-8066

Sample avatar

Darko Jovevski

Full Stack Software Developer
Hello my name is Darko and im coming from Macedonia! I like to learn more about the world of coding and that's why i took this course! I like hiking and surfing!! I like coding and the first few months i was able to create some cool projects with the help of my Instructor and the TA'S and also my peers:

My skills
